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Centro Studi Cherubino Ghirardacci

Founded as a Social Promotion Association on May 30, 2008 and based at the Augustinian community of San Giacomo Maggiore in Bologna, the Cherubino Ghirardacci Study Center is a meeting point of people and knowledge. It aims to promote the study of the city, landscape and their representation.

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Who we are

A brief introduction:

The Cherubino Ghirardacci Study Center aims to:


  • foster and promote free and positive cultural exchange aimed at sharing and comparing different knowledge, for a more effective understanding of the social, cultural and scientific phenomena that characterize the contemporary landscape and also contribute to a conscious and critical growth of society and of the person Human.


  • promote cultural activities of various kinds and especially on the representation of the city and contemporary society, through thematic meetings, workshops, conferences, seminars, cultural trips, exhibitions, exhibitions and, in general, all types of initiatives that allow the exchange of knowledge and are an opportunity for reflection and collective debate on social, cultural and scientific issues;


  • create and participate in publications of a rigorous scientific nature, collaborating with national and international Research, Study and Culture Institutions

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Since 2020, the Cherubino Ghirardacci Study Center and official partner of the scientific journal in_bo, published by the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna.

in_bo is a digital and open-access magazine, founded in 2008 and based in Bologna. It annually publishes thematic research issues on topics such as architectural design, architectural history and urban studies, with a particular focus on architectural education and the intersections between architecture and society.
The essays published by in_bo can be in Italian or English, selected according to a blind peer-review process. Since 2016 it has been included in the ANVUR list of class A journals for the purposes of National Scientific Qualification (ICAR 14, ICAR 18, ICAR 19, ICAR 20). In 2019 the journal was admitted to Elsevier's Scopus bibliographic database.



Since 2020, through an agreement with the Department of Architecture and the Flaminia Foundation, the Cherubino Ghiardacci study center manages the open-access scientific journal IN_BO. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città, l’architettura ( This journal has collected the proceedings of the initiatives and conferences the Centro Studi promoted, publishing according to a blind peer review process. 


Today the journal is registered in SCOPUS and it is recognized among the most prestigious scientific journal (class A) regarding urban planning and studies, architecture, and history of architecture by the Italian National Agency for the evaluation of University and Research.

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Cultural Exchange

Every year Centro Studi Cherubino Ghirardacci promotes one or more international scientific meetings, accessible by calls for papers, in collaboration with other accredited partners and institutions, renowed for their scientific and cultural activities and research.

In the events it promotes, Centro Studi Ghirardacci assumes as a theme of confrontation and debate complex but precise and detailed phenomena consequence of the behavior of individuals or societies in our time. During the symposia the Centro Studi organizes, these phenomena are put at the center of an interdisciplinary investigation, under the supervision of a qualified scientific committee.


The general themes to which the work of the Centro Studi has particularly focused in recent years are the following: the study of changes in the use and in the production, planning and design of cities; changes in the role and in the use of public spaces; the relationship between urban contexts and lay and religious rites; the relationship between city of the dead and city of the living; the spaces for the rite in the contemporary city, with particular attention to churches and processes of their transformation.


In 2016, the Ghirardacci Study Centre organized in Bologna the international conference "The Future of Churches", one of the first conferences in Italy on the future of places for worship, whose proceedings have been published on IN_BO. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città, l’architettura. (

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Cultural Activities

Centro Studi Cherubino Ghirardacci promotes and collaborates to the realization of summer schools, intensive programs and intensive didactic proposals of several days for students and researchers on the topics of its interest.


In 2019, it promoted with the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna the Summer school "New Scenarios for dismissed monastic heritages" in the city of Lucca, hosting young students and researchers for a residential week to study valorization pathways for Monastery in decommissioning, considering as a case study and design opportunity the former monastery of Sant'Agostino in Vicopelago (LU).

In 2022, as part of the European project LED2LEAP, ( The Ghirardacci Study Center supported and collaborated on the cultural design and realization of the Intensive Program "STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP FOR THE REUSE AND SOCIAL VALORIZATION OF DISMISSED CULTURAL HERITAGE OF RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES" with the participation of 40 students from 5 different European universities.

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